Recovery & Return to Work Services

Same Employer

At BornFit, our Same Employer Services start with a thorough assessment, designed for each person's specific needs. We include our unique biopsychosocial 'MindBalance' tool to identify potential obstacles and create personalised return-to-work/recovery at work plans to help reach your goals.

Our expert team works closely with all stakeholders to ensure clear communication, set achievable goals, and make the return-to-work process smooth and sustainable. 

Same Employer Services include:

  • Proactive intervention programs

  • Occupational and Workplace Assessments

  • Structured Return-to-Work Strategies and Planning

  • Medical liaison and collaborative case conferencing

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations

  • Specialised Resolution Services for Complex and Long-Duration Claims

Different Employer

We understand that each person's return to work is unique. Our New Employer Services are carefully designed to identify your transferable skills and facilitate a successful transition to a new job while taking into account your health and well-being. 

We start by thoroughly evaluating your work history, education and skills. If needed, we also conduct psychological assessments. We then use this information to identify your goals, training needs and work opportunities; working closely with you, healthcare experts and studying the job market. Born Fit is here to help you navigate the path to fresh employment opportunities.

New Employer Services include:

  • Vocational assessments

  • Detailed Labour Market Analysis

  • Coordinating with healthcare providers to confirm capacity and job compatibility

  • Job Seeking Services

  • Transferable Skills Assessment

  • Health Coaching